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10 Feb 2019
turmeric for pain management atlanta part 2

The Magical Mystery Drug: Turmeric for Pain Management Atlanta? Part 2

There are many herbs and herbal compounds showing promise for pain management Atlanta. One of these is a little yellow spice commonly found in Indian food.

In our last article, we talked about 6 of the biggest benefits of Turmeric in alternative or holistic therapies for pain management.

Maybe, with more doctors accepting alternative medical treatments – or complementary medical treatments for pain management – there will be the opportunity for the needed testing and proof to bring curcumin mainstream in the near future.

Here are Four More of The 10 Biggest Benefits of Curcumin (Turmeric) Including Pain Management:

Turmeric can even help prevent – maybe treat (?) – cancer…

There are many different types of cancer but they all have some things in common and those things are affected by curcumin. Researchers have been studying curcumin as a cancer treatment and have found it can effect growth, development, and spread at the molecular level. Studies have shown it can decrease new blood vessels in tumors, metastasis (spread of cancer), and even kill existing cancer cells.

In test animals, studies have shown curcumin reduces cancerous cell growth and inhibit the growth of tumors. Whether these results can be replicated in humans has not yet been studied enough. Yet, there is some evidence it prevents cancer in the first place (especially cancers of the digestive system like colon cancer).

Perhaps Curcumin may one day be used in conjunction with conventional cancer therapies? The initial studies are promising.

Curcumin may prevent – or treat – Alzheimer’s Disease.

Alzheimer’s is the most common neurodegenerative disease in the world and the #1 cause of dementia. So far, there has been no real treatment for Alzheimer’s. This makes preventing it, a priority.

Curcumin has been demonstrated to cross the blood-brain barrier. This is hopeful because it means it could stop the inflammatory and oxidative changes in the brain that breed Alzheimer’s, in their tracks.

Similarly, another factor in the development of Alzheimer’s is the growth of protein tangles called Amyloid plaques. Studies show curcumin may help clear these plaques.

While nothing regarding curcumin and Alzheimer’s is yet concrete, it does show promise as a potential answer to this crazy disease.

Curcumin is great for arthritis – a common source of pain for many people.

One thing that causes many people to seek pain management – and/or become dependent on pain management medications – is arthritis. Arthritis can be very painful and debilitating.

Most types of arthritis involve inflammation of the joints. As we have covered, curcumin definitely decreases inflammation and possibly, better than current medications. Therefore, it can be deduced that it would be effective at treating arthritis and thereby, reducing arthritic pain. *Recent studies even show curcumin is extremely potent against rheumatoid arthritis – a disease that causes tremendous pain for the sufferer and that only powerful drugs help.

Curcumin may reduce depression.

In a controlled trial, 60 patients were divided into 3 groups. One group took Prozac, one took 1g of curcumin, and another took both. After six weeks, the curcumin and Prozac groups were nearly the same in terms of effect on depression and the group that received both was doing the best.

Again, this is thought to be because curcumin increases brain-derived neurotropic factor. As such, some studies also suggest it would then increase serotonin and dopamine – natural fighters against depression. Subsequently, this would help with pain management since these feel-good hormones help people with their own natural pain fighting ability.

In summary, turmeric / curcumin shows great potential for preventing, treating, and fighting some of the most pervasive, degenerative, and deadly diseases and health issues we face. While much more testing probably needs to be done before turmeric will replace modern pharmaceuticals, it likely has a place in complementary medical treatment since it is basically side-effect free.



01 Feb 2019
Pain treatment atlanta curcumin turmeric

The Magical Mystery Drug: Turmeric for Pain Management Atlanta?

There are many herbs and herbal compounds showing promise for pain management Atlanta. One of these is a little yellow spice commonly found in Indian food.

Turmeric is quickly becoming known as a magical, mystical, miracle cure – or at least treatment – for many common illnesses and conditions. It’s also starting to be regarded as a holistic pain management treatment too.

Turmeric is actually one of the most widely researched and documented herbal treatments we have available today. It has been used in Eastern medicine for over 1,000 years and Western doctors are now recognizing its efficacy as well. To date, the medicinal properties and components or turmeric have been the subject of over 5600 peer reviews and published medical studies. The conclusion being turmeric is equitable to many common drugs for treating inflammation, mental and brain disorders, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and pain. It’s even been shown to possibly treat – or even prevent – cancer and Alzheimer’s.

The active ingredient in turmeric – what makes it work so well – is curcumin. However, there is so little curcumin in turmeric that you must take an extract to get about the 1g you need. Additionally, in order to be effective, turmeric / curcumin must be taken with black pepper, or piperine. It increases the absorption of turmeric by 2000%.  This can either be included with your Turmeric supplement OR you can take it with a handful of peppercorns.

The First 6 of the 10 Biggest Benefits of Curcumin (Turmeric) Including Pain Management:

Turmeric / Curcumin helps to control inflammation and possibly, reduce pain.  

Turmeric helps the body fight foreign invaders that cause inflammation and has a part in repairing damage already done as well.

To a certain extent, inflammation is good. It helps the body fight off bacteria and illnesses. The problem comes in when inflammation becomes long-lasting, or chronic and the body turns on itself. In fact, inflammation is now thought to be at the root of most Western medical issues.

Turmeric / curcumin’s effectiveness against inflammation is one major reason it’s so great. In fact, some studies have found it to be as strong against inflammation as over the counter medications. This can mean turmeric / curcumin may be a good pain management option, especially since it has no side effects.

Turmeric / curcumin increases the body’s antioxidant capacity.

“Oxidative damage” is thought to be one of the main agents behind aging and disease. This type of damage occurs when free radicals interact with organic substances such as fatty acids, proteins, or DNA.

Antioxidants protect our body from these free radicals. Curcumin can actually neutralize free radicals due to its chemical structure. But that’s not all. Curcumin even prompts the body to create more of its own antioxidants too. Antioxidants too, reduce inflammation – yet another possible pain relief mechanism.

Curcumin increases brain-derived neurotropic factor, improving brain function and lowering the risk of brain disease.

Until recently, it was thought brain pathways could not repair or regenerate after childhood. Now it’s known this is false. The neurons can not only form new connections, they can multiply.

One of the main drivers of this process is Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, a growth hormone that functions in the brain.  Many brain disorders – such as depression and even, Alzheimer’s – have been linked to a decrease in this hormone. Since curcumin increases BDNF, it can be extrapolated it may be effective at reversing brain diseases and age-related decreases in brain function.

Curcumin improves various factors that should reduce the chance of heart disease.

Heart disease is the #1 killer of adults in the world. Curcumin improves the function of endothelium, the lining of the blood vessels.  Endothelial dysfunction is a strong predictor of heart disease because it prevents regulation of blood pressure, proper blood clotting, and other problems. One study shows curcumin as effective as exercise at treating endothelial dysfunction, while another shows it as good as the drug Atorvastatin.

But remember curcumin is also a great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant too. In yet another study, patients were given either a placebo or Turmeric before open heart surgery. The group that received turmeric had a 65% decreased risk of heart attack.

30 Jan 2019
Holy basil helps pain management part 2

HOLY… Basil? Can Holy Basil Supplementation Help Regulate Cortisol and Reduce Anxiety? Part 2

Again, Holy Basil’s medicinal properties have actually been pretty well studied over time.

Its most important benefit being that it does balance cortisol levels and increase physical and emotional endurance. This gives you greater resilience to all stresses. Interestingly, it can also lower blood sugar and that combined with the mood stabilization, often facilitates weight loss too.

In a recent randomized, double-bling, placebo-controlled study, researchers studied Holy Basil extract in the treatment of general stress. Participants given the herb, showed a 39% improvement in stress over those given a placebo. It was also found to reduce the incidences and intensity of forgetfulness and helped fatigue and sleep problems.

Holy Basil has also been shown to improve exercise endurance and a 2012 study showed that after 2 weeks of supplementation (dose: 300mg/kg/day), it protected muscles from exercise injury, reduced lactic acid, and extended exercise time before exhaustion.

As a powerful antioxidant, it may also slow brain degeneration and improve memory and cognition. It may even be beneficial for Alzheimer’s.

Holy Basil has been found to be very safe for short and long-term use but it’s not recommended for women who are pregnant or breast feeding. It may also act as a male contraceptive in high doses but this seems to be reversible upon discontinuation.

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17 Jan 2018
Holy Basil for pain management Part 1

HOLY… Basil? Can Holy Basil Supplementation Help Regulate Cortisol and Reduce Anxiety? Part 1

When you are seeking pain management Atlanta, a good pain management physician should always be your partner in getting you to the point where your pain is tolerable and/or alleviated.

Today, doctors are seeing more and more patients with symptoms and diseases that seem to be directly – or at least indirectly – related to stress and/or anxiety in some way.

A working label some are using for these ‘syndromes’ is adrenal fatigue (depletion / exhaustion / burn out of the adrenal gland due to stress and overwork, etc.). Not at doctors agree that adrenal fatigue is a real ‘disease’ but some do lump together stress-related conditions under this name.

Sometimes, many good and qualified Atlanta pain management doctors have a tough time overcoming stereotypes regarding Atlanta pain management clinics and pain management physicians in the Atlanta area.

Sometimes, pain management doctors are accused of being pill-pushers. Or of overusing medication to treat the symptoms of disease and illness—even those related to stress, rather than trying to alleviate the cause…stress itself.

Yet, we aren’t all like that. Good pain management specialists, especially, are starting to trend toward a more holistic or comprehensive approach to treating chronic illnesses. Part of this shift includes looking at natural or homeopathic solutions to problems as a first – or additional – line of defense.

Obviously, if we can help you treat the root cause of your symptoms, we can likely alleviate those symptoms more permanently. Yes, that may mean we lose you as a patient. But trust me, there will not ever be a shortage of patients to treat. For every one we might help ‘heal’, there are others ready and waiting to fill that void. Particularly if we can build a reputation as a ‘healer’ and not just that pill pusher, we will likely find we never have an empty office.

To that end, Holy Basil is an herb that shows great promise for balancing cortisol. This thereby decreases stress—and thus, stress-related illnesses and symptoms that may contribute to pain.

Holy Basil has been used medicinally in India for over 3,000 years and there is known as the “Queen of Herbs”.

“It has been one of India’s most important healing plants throughout history. Its other name is “Tulsi” which means “incomparable one” as according to Ayurveda, the herb also has effect on the spiritual aspects facilitating expanded states of awareness. Others call it an “elixir of life” as it promotes longevity and relaxation or a “rasayana” – a herb that nourishes a person’s growth to perfect health, both physical and spiritual. (http://naturimedica.com on benefits of Holy Basil)

Be sure to stay tuned for Part 2 – where we will continue to talk about how Holy Basil might improve health and even pain management!

The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

Please consult your health care provider, or contact us for an appointment, before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition. Dr. Parimi and this website expressly disclaims responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this site. Dr. Parimi and this website do not endorse specifically any test, treatment, or procedure mentioned on the site.

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23 Jul 2016

Complementary Medicine – A New Pain Management Alternative?

There are several different causes of chronic pain. From arthritis, to past injuries and accidents, genetic disorders, and more – while the causes may vary, the end result is the same.

More and more people today live with ongoing pain and it is often so consistent or severe it diminishes their quality of life. That’s often when they seek out an Atlanta pain management doctor.

But is a pain management physician who doles out pain meds or medical interventions for pain the only answer?

A holistic approach to pain management attempts to address and reduce pain with more than just medication or medical interventions. It looks at making the complete individual more comfortable physical and mentally. In other words, it is concerned with the patient’s entire well-being.

In relieving chronic pain, holistic pain management treatment also often considers and/or includes physical therapy, nutrition, and sometimes, alternative pain treatment therapies as well.

Some alternative pain management therapies that are becoming more commonplace and less “alternative” are yoga, acupuncture, guided imagery and visualization, chiropractic treatment, hypnosis, biofeedback, aromatherapy, relaxation, herbal remedies, massage, and more.

Over the last ten years, there has been more and more evidence supporting the effectiveness of many of the alternative treatments for pain, such as those that consider the mind / body relationship and nutritional supplements.

However, now that they are more accepted, additional research needs to be done in order to compare them to traditional pain management.

Subsequently, while more pain management doctors are acknowledging the potential of some of these non-traditional pain treatments non-medicinal pain treatments, not all are ready to integrate them into patient treatment.

Aside from comparative studies, other concerns include availability, quality control, and patient resistance.

What a greater majority of progressive Atlanta pain management physicians are doing, however, is suggesting alternative pain management techniques as a way to augment their own medical treatment.

When alternative medicine is combined with traditional medicine, it’s commonly called “complementary medicine”. For many forward-thinking pain management doctors, this is coming to be the most effective form of long-term pain management.

If you want to see the best results from your pain management treatment and are open to the idea of natural healing for pain, you will want to find a pain management doctor who at least accepts the possibility that alternative therapies may assist with alleviating pain.

If this is something important to you and/or you willing to consider the potential benefit of complementary medicine, at your initial consultation ask your doctor his or her opinion and feelings on the subject. You will want to gauge their response and whether or not this matches with your own ideas and beliefs.

If you and your pain management doctor can work together to adjust any medications and appropriate therapies, blending in a coordinated effort with alternative medicine practitioners and/or methodologies, you will likely get the greatest relief from your ongoing and chronic pain.





30 Jun 2016
alternative pain management treatments

An Alternative to Pain: Alternative Atlanta Pain Management Therapies and Techniques

Many pain management physicians – including Atlanta pain management doctors – are beginning to acknowledge alternatives to traditional medications and interventions in relieving chronic pain.

When these alternative pain management options are combined with traditional medicine, this is called complementary medicine.

As pain management doctors, our future efficacy many depend on our ability to at least consider – if not embrace – the role of alternative medicine for pain treatment in our practice. As patients, you deserve to have access to and support for anything that can help reduce – if not erase – your ongoing pain.

Let’s look at some of the most common alternative pain management therapies available today:

Mind-Body Therapies for Pain

It is fairly widely accepted now that manipulating and/or controlling the mind can increase or reduce the sensation of pain.

There are a few different mind-body pain management or pain reduction therapy treatments. These include hypnosis, biofeedback, visualization, guided imagery, and meditation.

One of the most promising is meditation for pain management – either self-induced or guided meditation. The biggest reason is because it is essentially free (or very low cost) and widely accessible. Patients can buy or rent low-cost guided meditation tapes or CD’s for guided meditation. Or they can just begin to sit quietly, breathe deeply, and simply – relax – on their own. For those who choose, prayer can be considered a form of meditation and science has documented the physical benefits of prayer on pain and overall health.

Acupuncture for Pain Management

The World Health Organization now acknowledges over 30 ailments and conditions that can benefit from acupuncture. However, even Western physicians are now agreeing that the biggest benefits of acupuncture can be seen in pain relief.

Sixteenth-century Chinese medicine doctors believed illness was due to energy blocks in the body. In acupuncture, needles are injected into – or along – the body’s 14 main energy meridians. These are thought to be the pathways by which energy flows through the body. The needles stimulate these pathways – depending on where they are injected – in order to let the energy flow freely and heal illness or release pain.

Many of the points stimulated by needles in acupuncture are near nerves. When the needle is injected, the nerves cause the nearby muscles to feel “full” or ache in a dull manner. This “message” is then sent to the central nervous system and endorphins (our body’s ‘feel good’ chemicals) are released. Endorphins act as the body’s ‘natural morphine’ to relieve pain.

Today, even most Western or traditional medicine doctors allow and even embrace the idea of their patients adding acupuncture in to their pain management treatment.

Chiropractic & Massage for Pain Management

Chiropractic adjustment for back pain and neck pain / headache pain due to alignment issues and/or compression shows great promise. Some say it works similar to acupuncture by opening up energy channels and others say it releases tension in areas of the body where impact / pressure is causing pain due to the alignment / compression problems.  Few serious side effects have been seen from chiropractic treatment and are rare.

Pain is often increased or exacerbated by muscle tightness and/or stiffness. This is one reason massage may be beneficial in pain management. Additionally, massage is relaxing. And since we release tension and generate endorphins when we relax, this is another way it can help to reduce pain.

Therapeutic Touch / Reiki for Pain Management

Therapeutic touch and Reiki are a little more unorthodox but still gaining popularity –even among traditional pain management doctors. These two forms of alternative pain therapy are said to activate an individual’s own healing power within their body. They are energy-based methodologies and recent studies have shown some effectiveness in treating both pain and anxiety. However, more studies are definitely needed to say definitively whether it is the therapy or belief in the effectiveness of the therapy that produces results.

Nutrition, Dietary, and Herbal Approaches to Pain Management

It is known widely that a lot of pain or pain sensation can be traced directly to inflammation. Therefore, it is no stretch that foods and herbs that reduce this inflammation also assist with pain management. Additionally, some studies have shown that dietary changes – such as increasing good oils and decreasing fats and the quantity of red meat and processed foods eaten – can reduce pain too.

Herbal medicine for pain treatment is also becoming increasingly popular and accepted. That being said, it is very important for you to discuss any herbs or herbal compounds you want or plan to take with your pain management doctor. Some herbs can have a dramatic impact on other prescription medications you might be taking. In several cases, adding certain herbs will necessitate a dosage change and/or may not be able to be taken with your medications at all.

Just remember – even alternative medical theories and therapies can have side effects and dramatically impact your pain management plan with your pain management physician or Atlanta pain management doctor.

Therefore, always discuss any ideas or plans you may have for introducing these alternative treatments into your pain management. Yes, complementary medicine is gaining traction. But the way to make it most effective – and safe for you to consider – is when it is done with a pain management physician you trust who can coordinate the efforts.