Again, Holy Basil’s medicinal properties have actually been pretty well studied over time.

Its most important benefit being that it does balance cortisol levels and increase physical and emotional endurance. This gives you greater resilience to all stresses. Interestingly, it can also lower blood sugar and that combined with the mood stabilization, often facilitates weight loss too.

In a recent randomized, double-bling, placebo-controlled study, researchers studied Holy Basil extract in the treatment of general stress. Participants given the herb, showed a 39% improvement in stress over those given a placebo. It was also found to reduce the incidences and intensity of forgetfulness and helped fatigue and sleep problems.

Holy Basil has also been shown to improve exercise endurance and a 2012 study showed that after 2 weeks of supplementation (dose: 300mg/kg/day), it protected muscles from exercise injury, reduced lactic acid, and extended exercise time before exhaustion.

As a powerful antioxidant, it may also slow brain degeneration and improve memory and cognition. It may even be beneficial for Alzheimer’s.

Holy Basil has been found to be very safe for short and long-term use but it’s not recommended for women who are pregnant or breast feeding. It may also act as a male contraceptive in high doses but this seems to be reversible upon discontinuation.

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